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愛學遊(香港)有限公司 總經理


In 2010, we saw the need for young people to go out into the world and broaden their horizons.


In 2012, we saw young people to go out and discover the roots of Chinese history and culture.


In 2014, we saw the need for career planning for young.


In 2016, we saw the need for creating a mobile classroom.


In 2018, we opened up the sky for the future of our youth by exploring the region and the Bay Area.


By 2020, we strengthened the relation between travel and school education!


The corporate philosophy of iTour Study is always be proving learning opportunity through studying abroad. The concept of studying tour in China can be traced back to the pre-Qin period. I would like to inject a new meaning to the term "travel and study" to complement the education system. New idea and new concept should be added into studying tour so that new education phenomenon can be created


In 2015, I realised that studying tour can be the bridge that connects people. Therefore, I decided to form iTour Study with ‘love, learning and travel’ these three elements in mind. We want to teach our younger generation to become a better person through love, to provide with knowledge that they needed by creating a moving classroom. This will be our firm belief for our corporate philosophy.


Thanks to our friends and teachers in the education and tourism sectors, we have been able to gain good results and a good reputation. We are committed to expand and improve our services so that on one day our mobile classrooms can become part of education curriculum! We would like to invite everyone to work together in order to create a better system for our younger generation


General Manager of iTour Study (Hong Kong) Ltd.


Leo Cheung


©2023 愛學遊(香港)有限公司 iTour Study (Hong Kong) Limited.  All Rights Reserved. 

牌照號碼 : 354265



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